
Photo of Matt Turner


Website Login Saying It Doesn't Have A Secure Connect

This is probably a simple question, but I can't seem to figure it out. Whenever someone goes to our website (external) login page or our rock (internal) login page, the browser is all of a sudden showing that it doesn't have a secure connection. It didn't use to be like that. My guess would be that something got tweeked accidentally without anyone realizing what happened, I just don't know what it would be or where to start looking. Any ideas as to what happened and/or how to fix it? Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you so much.

Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 4.16.44 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 4.18.08 PM.png

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    It looks like you’re accessing your sites via http (non secure) vs https (secure). If you enter (obviously change that to your own web site, but make sure https:// is in front of it), do you get a valid secure page with a green padlock? If so, that’s good and indicates you have a valid SSL certificate installed on your web server. IF that’s all true, then the most likely thing that’s happened is someone disabled _Require Encryption_ on your rock site. Go to Admin | CMS | Sites and edit your rock site to enable that. You will also likely want to do that on your external site, too. 

    If you _don’t_ get a valid secure page above, then you’ll need to install a certificate, or your existing certificate had expired. 

  • Photo of Matt Turner


    Thank you for the insight. It does not. It just continues to load for a while until to times out and says that it cannot make a secure connection to the server. How do I go about installing a valid certificate?

  • Photo of Matt Turner


    Now it won't allow me to access our website or our rock page.  I don’t know if the server is just down, but I can’t get any response from the website IP. Even P mean the IP, won’t bring back any response. It’s like the server just stopped responding. 

    • Jim Michael

      Well, that's a whole different ball of wax... who is in charge of your server, and where is it hosted? Sounds like you need to open a support case with them.

  • Photo of Matt Turner


    Its Amazon Web Sever. Ok, thank you for the help.

    • Jim Michael

      So you'll need to find out why your web/sql servers are not running, or if a firewall has changed and they are no longer accessible from the public internet, etc. This kind of thing is difficult to troubleshoot without access to the system. Once you get that sorted out, to get SSL working and get rid of the "Not Secure" browser warning, you could use the Acme (LetsEncrypt) plugin from the Rock shop to set it all up for you.

  • Photo of Matt Turner


    We got back into our website. Thank you so much for all of the help.