
Photo of Nathan Parikh


Event Registration Payment Error

We are having seemingly random problems when our members try to pay for an event registration.
The error messages look like:

An Error Occurred Processing Your Registration
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.RegistrationRegistrant' with unique index 'IX_Guid'. The duplicate key value is (be98643c-c669-4e8f-900a-279a7862192a). The statement has been terminated.

So far I haven't been able to find any rhyme or reason as to why it happens with some users but not all.

Would appreciate any help with this.


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I think this is the same bug we've seen where a person enters payment information that is incorrect (or tries to use a saved card that has expired) and the payment fails. Then the user enters new/correct information and the error occurs. Right now the only work-around is to start the registration over. In our experience, entering a registration with correct payment info will not induce the error.