0 Run SQL action in Workflow not returning value 2 Eddie Holeman posted 6 Years Ago I created a Workflow trigger off the addition of a resource to a Room Management reservation. The trigger is successfully initiating my workflow. Using the Attribute Set from Entity Action in the Workflow, I am successfully putting the Guid of the resource into a text attribute. I am then attempting to run a Run SQL action to get the ApprovalState value from the [_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_ReservationResource] table so that I can make decisions in the workflow depending on the value. The action is successful in the Log, but the Integer attribute doesn't get the value. Here is the RunSQL action I am using:If I place a known guid value in place of the Lava, the return is correct and the Approval State attribute contains the value. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong? I am assuming that I am doing something wrong with Lava, but can't see it. Thanks.