
Photo of Amber McCoy


Survey programs or websites


We currently use SurveyGizmo for our online Facility Request Forms and for other various surveys for our congregation.  We received notification that they are discontinuing (retiring) our Legacy plan ($25/mo) and we need to choose a new plan by the end of this month.  The closest plan to what we have/need is $85/mo.  Our surveys use logic so the basic plans don't work for what we need.  What do you guys use for surveys or what do you do for online facility requests?  TIA!   

  • Photo of Luke Taylor


    Since you're asking in the context of Rock, there are two plugins in the Rock shop that you may be able to apply to the challenges you have.  One is the Survey System plugin, by Shepherd Church, which allows you to run surveys a couple different ways through Rock. 

    For facility requests, there's a basic form set up out of the box in Rock, under Workflows / Requests.  If you desire a more robust room reservation system, Central Christian has written the Room Management plugin.

  • Photo of Eddie Holeman


    We use Rock Workflows to develop lots of survey and request forms.  Using workflows allows for custom actions to be initiated when a request or survey is submitted.  Rock Workflows also allows for the form to be triggered via text to workflow.  This is very powerful.

  • Photo of Amber McCoy


    Thanks!  I don't think either of those are exactly what we are looking for though.  On our website we have a section with forms and one of those that is used quite a bit by both people who attend our church and those who do not attend but are requesting to use our building.  I'll add the link to see if that helps make my question a little clearer?  The link is and it is the Facility Use Request link. 

    • Eddie Holeman

      I would use Rock Workflows for that type of forms. And that is what we do now. We don't have a page of forms, but we have a facilities request form (, request for pastoral visit, a full employment application form, a volunteer application form, etc. Have you used Rock Workflows? Extremely customizable and powerful, but pretty easy to build.

  • Photo of Amber McCoy


    Thanks!  Does the workflow allow logic (for example if someone requests our cafe and marks they need the kitchen, it will pull up the kitchen questions after the cafe section)?   I've created a few workflows and I'm still learning and somewhat struggling, I'm hoping once we update to the newest version they will be easier?  We should be doing that in the next week or so.

    • Eddie Holeman

      There are a couple of ways to add logic to workflows based on answers. Would be happy to talk through some the things i have learned. Reach out to me at and we can set up a conference call.