
Photo of Amber McCoy


Numbers not showing up in the correct numerical order


I just finished adding several starter small groups that have a number assigned to them.  When I put them in, they are not in true numerical order (Screenshot below).  How can I adjust it so it is actually in numerical order? 


Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 1.16.02 PM.png

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Amber,

    This is an issue with most things unless there is specific special code to handle this (for example the Mac and Windows file browsers have specific code to deal with this now, but in the old days they sorted the same way you show above). Basically, sorting of group names happens by sorting the name according to 'text' rules - which causes the order you see above. So a "space" character has a lower text value than a "0", which is why "1 Bigelow" gets ordered before "10 McCoy".

    Probably the best way to deal with this is to use "two digit" numbers, e.g. `01`, `02`, `03`, etc. and that should make it sort the way you expect.

  • Photo of Amber McCoy


    Thank-you!  That solved the problem!