
Photo of James Temens


Check In - Labels Not Printing

I have a Windows 2012 server setup with RockCMS and a Windows 10 desktop PC that has the RockCMS CheckIn Client installed. The Zebra printer is connected via USB to the Windows 10 desktop PC and I'm able to print a test page to the Zebra printer. When I run the RockCMS client and attempt to check in the Zebra label printer doesn't print the label. I then decided to use the Chrome web browser on the Windows 10 desktop PC to CheckIn so I could try and use the debugger tools to see what was going on - in the console I am receiving an error that says, "window.external.PrintLabels is not a function".

Any ideas? I have shared the printer with the Rock CMS server, turned off both firewalls (Windows 10 PC and server), verified I can ping both the server and client, and I still am unable to print.

  • Photo of James Temens


    This ended up being a problem with outdated drivers.

  • Photo of Lee Peterson


    Do you have the kiosk device set to "print from client"? The client does all the printing in this mode, so it's pretty simple.

    Edit: and "print using device printer".

  • Photo of James Temens


    Here are my settings for the Kiosk.  Also, I am checking in using the "Check In Test Area".


  • Photo of Lee Peterson


    That looks fine. FWIW, the printer doesn't need to be shared, and as long as check-in works on the kiosk there aren't any network issues.

    Here's a list of things to look at:

    What model is your printer?

    What happens when you check someone in? The client uses the Windows print queue -- are print jobs showing up there?

    In the client settings screen, there can't be anything in the printer override field, and your printer should be selected.

    Are there labels set to print in the check-in configuration for that area?

    Have any labels been modified?

    If this doesn't get us anywhere, it might be most helpful to move this to the Slack #checkin channel.

  • Photo of James Temens


    What model is your printer?

    Zebra GX420d

    What happens when you check someone in? The client uses the Windows print queue -- are print jobs showing up there?

    It follows the check in process and says they were checked in and the "Done" button shows - nothing ever prints and no error messages show up.

    In the client settings screen, there can't be anything in the printer override field, and your printer should be selected.

    I have not entered anything in the printer override field.

    Are there labels set to print in the check-in configuration for that area?

    What do you mean by this question?  Where do I find this setting?

    Have any labels been modified?

    None of the labels have been modified from what came with the default settings.

  • Photo of Lee Peterson


    The printer is fine (I asked because some earlier models didn't work with ZPL). 

    The labels are specified in a check-in configuration: Admin tools | Check-in | Check-in Configuration.

    Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at 1.33.31 PM.png

    Any labels listed here will print for a check-in to the Test Area. I think three labels come attached to the test area out-of-the-box, though.

    You could try running check-in from the demo site. Add /checkin for the URL on the client. You'd have to change the kiosk device to "Print From Client", but otherwise it should just work (as long as you use the test area).