0 Amex online payment error 2 Amber McCoy posted 5 Years Ago We have a member who gives online monthly using an American Express Credit Card. The past two months her payment hasn't gone through, the error is "Unauth Transaction". I spoke with her today and had her delete all her old info and retype everything. She said she has done it twice and it is giving her the same error. She called her card company and they said they aren't seeing any of the transaction, it's not even trying to go through and then immediately reversing. I checked the approved cards in the settings in Rock and Amex is marked as one that is active. It also appears she is the only one that uses an AMEX for online giving. No one in the office has one for us to test. We use the NMI Gateway and use Transnational / MyWell for payment processing. Is this something that we need to call one of them on or is it a setting in Rock we need to look at? Thanks!