
Photo of Knolly Shadrache


Connections Administrator Cannot See Any People on Connections Page

I have added a staff worker to the connection admins group but they cannot see any connection requests on the connection opportunity page.

What am I missing? platform admin can see everything. I forgot what I did to fix this (if I did anything that is) for another user that can also see everything and has the same permissions as the new connections admin I'm trying to add?

I'm struggling to understand why it would be anything more complicated than making someone an admin for the area you want them to manage?

Please help urgently if you are able

  • Photo of Knolly Shadrache


    Hi, the answer in our case was very simple but not obvious at all because we are not a multi-campus church

    We think the user switched the 'Campus' filter to 'Main Campus' whilst trying different settings to see what they did. That filtered out all the people in the opportunity.


    Selecting 'All' in the campus filter restored everything.


    What is strange is that all families in the database appear to be assigned to 'Main Campus' by default, so it's hard to see what the Campus filter is meant to be doing?

    Thanks for the feedback

  • Photo of Steve Swaringen


    I'm having the same problem. The only way I can enable people to use Connections is to make them Rock Administrators. We can't do that.

    Did you resolve it? How?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Knolly, I was able to work with Steve on this and in his case, the issue was that the "Connection Administrator" user needed to select the "All Types" and "All Requests" buttons. Please check if those buttons are checked.

  • Photo of Steve Swaringen


    In my case the problem was that Connection Types and Connection Opportunities that have no active connectees associated with them don't show up if you have the "My Requests" toggle set at the top right of the block. Changing this to "All Requests" allowed everything to be accessible.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Glad you got it figured out!

    Each Connection Opportunity has a set of checkboxes that let you configure which Campus(es) that opportunity is good for. For example, if you have two campuses but only one has Nursery Child Care, you wouldn't want the serving opportunity for nursery workers to show up as available for that campus - but you _would_ want it to show for the campus that _does_ have a nursery program.

    I believe that is what the Campus filter you pictured is filtering on. That said, I'm not sure why selecting "Main Campus" didn't show anything, unless all your opportunities are marked for a specific other campus. On our system if no campus checkboxes are selected on the Opportunity then it shows no matter which Campus we have selected in the Filter.

  • Photo of Knolly Shadrache


    Thanks for the heads up!

    Right now we're not exposing connection opportunities at all. We are using connections to help manage activity around initial follow-up, so as to give visibility and control, with the aim of connecting each new person to a small group.

    We have a connection type we are using called 'Initial Follow-Up'.

    We generate connection requests to that connection type via a workflow that captures the connect card that was filled in, then creates a connection request.

    So the only place I can see where a 'campus' choice might be made is when creating the connection request, but we don't set that in the workflow.

    However I just tried something that suggests the filter is operating on the Campus setting in the Connection Request?!. Here's what I did:

    - opened a connection Request

    - changed the Campus from 'nothing' (blank) to 'Main Campus'

    - Saved the change

    - In the list view of connection requests, I changed the Campus filter from 'All' to 'Main Campus''.

    After this, none other than the connection request I updated showed up on the list.

    I've learned something new! I guess if it becomes a big problem for users, we'll update the workflow to use 'Main Campus' when generating the connection request if that is possible.
