Hey everyone! This is my first question for the community. Thanks so much in advance for your help!

When someone registers for a certain event, I'm trying to include a link to each registrant's Spiritual Gifts Assessment on the confirmation page and email, which I'm doing with this lava:

{% assign registrants = Registration.Registrants | Where:'OnWaitList', false %}
{% for registrant in registrants %}
{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'PublicApplicationRoot' }}SpiritualGifts/{{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.UrlEncodedKey }}
{% endfor %}

This works great on the confirmation page, but on the confirmation email {{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.UrlEncodedKey }} renders as blank. I also tried to use {{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.ImpersonationParameter }}, but that also renders as blank in the email. Am I missing something or are these 2 properties not able to be used in emails?