
Photo of Matthew Langebartels


Azure IIS and SQL setup for Rock installation

Hi All, 

We are just starting the Rock setup and I am a bit confused by the directions.  I set up everything with Azure.  I have the DataCenter built B2ms with IIS installed, and also did an Azure SQL database as serverless SQL S2 50DTu setup. If I have that setup can I skip the SQL installation and configuration part of these instructions? or do I still need to install and configure SQL on the datacenter VM that is running IIS?  

I was able to install Rock successfully but when I click flip the switch it loads an error page instead of the login page or our website page. 

Any help would be much appreciated. 

  • Photo of Ben Murphy


    Hi Matthew!

    I'd suggest having the conversation via RocketChat because the community can be more responsive and allows for more back and forth to troubleshoot through a challenge.

    The community is where RockRMS really shines as community members will jump on zoom calls quickly as needed to help out.

  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    If you're looking for real time help and diagnosis, chat can definitely help. 

    I run a very similar configuration, so maybe I can help. 

    An Azure VM running IIS and AzureSQL are definitely a viable option, and its what I use. Keep in mind that: 

    1. You'll want to make sure the proper communication protocols are setup between the vm and AzureSQL. This needs to be checked at the VM level (primarily the firewall), the Azure level (for the vm, such as network security group, firewall, etc.), and at the AzureSQL level. 
    2. You may want to test and see if it works better using the next tier up. In my experience 50 DTU isn't enough. Going to 100 may fix your issue (or may not)