
Photo of Brian Daneu


OpenID Client not working since 12.6

Looking at the OpenID discovery information, the email is not listed as a supported scope. See They do allow it via a claim, but we are pretty certain we require it on the scope level.

My new question is did something happen to the scopes in 12.6 and where can I correct the scopes.

  • Photo of Dave Dibert


    I'm wondering if this was ever solved or if there were any changes made in adding Adding OIDC Clients in Rock. 

    Maybe this is a different question or it could be related.  It appears in the documentation that only one redirect URI is now allowed, where in other OAuth providers like, multiple URIs are allowed.  This can be confusing when configuring Rock to work with the Church Online Platform as most churches that use Rock that two callback URIs, one on the domain, and one of the church's domain.   

    Can two call-back URIs be provided?  Re: