
Photo of Jesse Beaird


Registration Placement Configuration - Allow Multiple

For our summer camps events we have placement groups for Cabins, Buses and Small group.  We don't have 'allow multiple' configured for example, because a student will only be on one bus/cabin or small group.  Having the 'un-placed' registrant list shrink as you are populating your groups is pretty convenient and we miss out on that functionality if 'allow multiple' is configured. 

 We find that once we have Cabins set up and move to Buses tab our 'un-placed' list is empty.  If a registrant is in a Cabin placement group I would expect to be able to place the same student in a Bus placement group. It seems like the 'allow multiple' is impacting the other placement groups on the registration and not just the one it has been configured on.

We work around by populating the groups manually but it isn't as convenient as drag and dropping within the registration.  Any thought on what I could be missing on this configuration or is my expectation of the functionality misguided?  Thanks

  • Photo of Mark Wampler


    You need the "GroupType" to be different for each use case.  So you would create a GroupType for "Buses" and a GroupType for "Cabins" and so on.  then you would create a different placement for each of the Type's and DO NOT check the allow multiple.  This will allow the people to be placed into one of the different group types and only one of each group types.

    If you were playing on the test/demo site I adjusted the template for you to help make sense of it:

    When I first logged into the demo site both placement groups where "General Group" types.  So even though they were different placement configurations the GroupType was the same so it considered them to be the same placement.

  • Photo of Jesse Beaird


    That makes sense.  Thanks