
Photo of James Temens


Rock Update v13 Missing Install Button

When I go to 'Rock Update' and attempt to update rock the install button is missing (see screenshot below).


  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Hey James - the update button in this case has been replaced by the "Available to Early Access Organizations" button, which isn't clickable. So your Rock instance doesn't think it's connected to an organization that's funding the nonprofit at the recommended level. You can read more about the Early Access program at .

    If your church is in fact donating at the recommended level, I think there's a link above the list of updates that will get you in contact with someone to fix that issue. If your church isn't able to donate at that level then you'll get access to v13 some months after the initial release - this time is a "thank you" to churches that can help fund the development but also helps make sure that any issues that might arise, will be identified first by the most involved community members.

    If your church isn't yet able to donate at that level, you can also consider requesting a grant. All of that information is available at the earlyaccess page. Hope that helps explain what you're seeing!