0 HTML Lava Caching 1 Mike Holman posted 9 Months Ago Greetings! I'm still trying to get the hang of stuff.I have updated my HTML cache to 1 to hope to be able to identify the changes but it seems my lava code is still getting cached on the HTML Content page. {% cache key:'newsletter-list' duration:'500' %} {% assign personId = CurrentPerson.Id %} {% assign groups = '' %} {% for Member in CurrentPerson.Members %} {% if Member.GroupMemberStatus == 1 %} {% assign groups = groups | Append:Member.Group.Name | Append: '=' | Append: Member.GroupMemberStatus | Append:', ' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign groups = groups | Trim %} {% endcache %}When I test this in the Lava Tester, the results show as expected and the changes are reflected in the test.When I view this on my HTML content page, the changes aren't reflected. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.