
Photo of Jenny DeHaan


Export of Data Views

When you export a data view (i.e. Adult Members and Attendees) - why do some values show the actual value (i.e. Andrew under First Name) but others show the number and not the value (i.e. Martial Status value shows 163, 143, 144).  Can you change the export to show the actual value for all fields?

  • Photo of Rock RMS


    The numbers are from fields that link to another table to get their value. For example, Marital Status is a defined value, so the value is actually stored in Rock's Defined Value table rather than the Person table, but First Name is stored right in the Person Table. The export is currently only showing you the values from the table that you were viewing.  However, the next update to Rock includes a change to make the export smarter about including linked defined values. So after the next update, Marital Status (and any defined value field) will show the actual value instead of a number.