
Photo of Nate Hoffman


Multiple Routes on Different sites

Hey Guys,

We have been playing with the possibility of implementing Rock as a central CMS system for our church. As such we have several sites we would like to run off of a single Rock installation. However, in playing with it we ran into a snag when it comes to the route system. If we want to point to page/212 and to point to page/355 it doesn't work. will route to page/212 instead of page/355.

Is there a special way we need to setup our routes in order to do this? This is a key function we would like to use and we were wondering if it was something on our end, a bug with Rock or just not possible using the built in route system, which would be a bummer. 

Thank you!

-Nate Hoffman

  • Photo of Rock RMS


    You're correct that this is not currently possible. This would be a great addtion though. We've added it to our v4.0 roadmap. Unfortunately, we could not get into v3.0 since it's about the be sent to Alpha testing.  Thanks for the idea!

  • Photo of Nate Hoffman


    Cool, thank you for letting us know. I look forward to seeing it in a future update.