
Photo of Brandon Gamache


Attendance Badge and Attendance Reports/Date View not displaying converted attendances

Not sure how many of you have tried using Excavator to convert F1 data to Rock. I was able to get close to all our data converted but I am running into an issue and I'm not sure if it is with the way I converted Attendance or if it is an issue with Rock not reading the converted attendances.

I have some attendances from 2014 imported into Rock however I am not seeing them appear in the Attendance Badge on the Profile page. Is the sql statement for the badge looking for specific details concerning attendance?

I decided to use the SQL Command in Rock and was able to select the top 10 records in Attendance. There are only 4 columns that do not contain any values (after the conversion): ScheduleId, AttendanceCode, DeviceId, and EndTime. Are one or more of these necessary for the badge to work?

I first thought maybe the core SQL statements for attendances was only running a check on those records that had a Sunday date, but the majority of the attendance dates are Sundays.

I have also attempted to run Data Views to show people who have attended at least once the last 26 weeks but that isn't pulling anything up and I know that it should (from converted data).

I also used /Checkin to check-in to a few different areas, including the default areas (jr. high, high school, test) under Weekly Check-in Area and I'm not seeing the attendance badges on my profile page change.  (the attendances are being recorded to the database--can be seen in Attendance Analysis, data view using Recent Attendance, and through SQL query).

Just curious if I converted the data improperly or if I need to convert more fields. Or maybe it is a Rock issue or maybe Rock is looking for attendance in specific areas?

I feel like it is an issue on my and not Rock but any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Photo of David Turner


    One thing to check is the groups/group types that the attendance records are associated with. The badges only use attendance linked to groups who's group type has a purpose of 'Check-in Template' or 'Check-in Filter' or the group type inherits from a group type with one of these purposes.

    This query would show the group's who's attendance is included in the badges:

    SELECT * FROM dbo.ufnCheckin_WeeklyServiceGroups()


    • Brandon Gamache

      Thanks. WeeklyServiceGroups only showed the check-in groups under the Weekly Service Check-in Area. When I imported F1 check-in activities and ministries I created new areas modeled from the Weekly Service Area. The new Check-in Areas do have the purpose of Check-in Template, but they are not inheriting from Weekly Service Area. I have not tried applying check-in filters to youth and kids check-in groups yet. I will give that a try but we also check-in adults so those groups and areas will not be using check-in filters.

      In order for these other Areas and Groups to work with attendance and attendance badges, do I need to have them inherit from Weekly Service Check-in Area or should having the Group Type Purpose of Check-in Template be enough?

    • Brandon Gamache

      Realized I never replied to this and ran into the issue again and had to look all over again for the missing piece. lol.

      I ended up not having AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService column under GroupTypes set to 1. Once I updated that, the badges showed the attendance.