0 Error on one home page after upgrading 8 Don Smallman posted 8 Years Ago Hi, I just noticed that one one of our hame apges, there is the following error. I do not know whcih upgrade caused it, since there were three done back to back. This error is on the sub-ad section of the page. ERROR: There was a problem getting content.. Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: ". Path '', line 5, position 2. Thanks!
Don Smallman 8 years ago No, that did not help. Can you take a look at this question and see if the changes that Trey had me make would be causing this? http://www.rockrms.com/Rock/Ask/Using/Questions/286. Thanks David!
Don Smallman 8 years ago David, I just took a look at the http://www.rocksolidchurchdemo.com site and that "Enable Query/Route Parameter Filtering" is NOT checked, yet that page is working fine, even though it is using an "Item" parameter in the query string.Is it supposed to work that way?
David Turner 8 years ago That setting needs to be set on the target page, the page that shows the details of your ad, not on the home page. For example on the Rock Solid Demo, it's this page: http://www.rocksolidchurchdemo.com/page/2305?Item=7 not the home page.So verify that you have that setting enabled for your page #345
Don Smallman 8 years ago Yes! That was it! I was looking in the wrong place. How do I answer people in Slack? Because it looks like you can add a general comment or tag the person in the response, like you did when you answered mine?
Don Smallman 8 years ago Hi Seth, I am glad you got it working. I am not sure I understand what you mean when you say " So, then I selected the options on that detail page and ALSO selected the 'Enable Query' box on the detail page".
Don Smallman 8 years ago Thanks! Yes, I had already done that, sorry I thought I had mentioned that. It did not help me, but I have made some Lava modifications to change the behavior of these blocks, that might be messing me up now that I have upgraded.