Now Starring: Rock Volunteer Roles Published Jan 14, 2015 Frank Grand with his wife Meagan and kids: Katie (6), Lila and Julia (4) and James (1) Rock recently opened up brand new team roles for volunteers and the new adventures of our first superhero began. Living under the alias Frank Grand of Anderson, South Carolina, Rockʼs first superhero is a husband and father of four. He tends to leave his cape at home while on-the-job as the Church Management System Administrator for NewSpring Church, where heʼs been working to transition his organization to Rock RMS for the past year. Active in the Rock community, Frank has been "playing" with Rock and scouring the documentation since the beta was released last March. In fact, all the time Frank has devoted to learning about Rock has really come in handy now in his new Community Moderator role. Although he wasn't on the development team, Frank was interested in plugging in even more and looking for ways to contribute. "Part of the beauty of Rock is the community that is building around it." Frank encourages others with a willing attitude, "if you have any serious interest in Rock, the best way to always have the 'inside scoop' and be on the bleeding edge of whatʼs happening is to get involved and volunteer to help! While I hope I'm helping the community, the best part of the position so far is the information I've gotten for myself and our church on ways we can use Rock!" In addition to Community Moderators, Rock has opened up three more volunteer roles: Alpha Testers, Community Leaders and Documenters. If you are faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or just dedicated to Rock and invested in moving it forward, click here for more information on becoming the next Rock superhero.