Timely Transition Published Jan 1, 2021 After strategically deciding to focus on an in-person model for services and classes, rather than a virtual model, Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas was forced to adjust this philosophy when church doors everywhere closed due to COVID-19.In what turned out to be a well-timed move, the church completed their migration to Rock about a week before they had to go fully online. This transition is what allowed them to make the necessary adjustments and communicate to their members quickly. "We wouldn't have been able to do what we did in response to COVID-19 without Rock. It would've been impossible on our previous structure," shares Justin Kraning, Web & Graphic Designer.Justin and his team used their Rock-powered external website to streamline communications with members about service changes and to allow members to reserve seats before attending services when they reopened.When asked about why they chose Rock, Justin shared, "We asked ourselves, "Who are we serving?" If itʼs about serving your members and community, then Rock allows you to do that at a higher level. Rock makes you more adaptive." For Fellowship Bible, that adaptability proved to be the game changer for communicating quickly and clearly with their members during a time of potential chaos.The dynamic partnership of Rockʼs platform and community enables rapid responses and prioritizes the most relevant solutions. The community-wide focus on collaborative, cutting-edge ministry tools and processes uniquely illustrates our shared mission. To God be the glory.