
Configure Order of Campuses in Campus Selectors

Configure Order of Campuses in Campus Selectors

9.1 CMS Complete

Our leadership staff wants the list of campuses to be presented in a specific order. The current selectors alphabetize the lists, which is not the preferred sequence. This forces us to create custom Multi-Select fields to ask for campus in workflow and registration forms, then reconstruct a campus object based on their selection.

It would be simpler if the existing campus selector controls (or modified copies) could use the "order" attribute of the campus, enabling us to control how they are presented.

(A graphical tool to allow setting the order would be a nice add, though no more often than we need to do this I'd be more than happy to manipulate it directly on the database.)

Photo of Steve SwaringenSubmitted by Steve Swaringen, Lakepointe Church  ·   ·  CMS
Photo of Jon EdmistonComplete Jon Edmiston, Spark!  · 
Planned Version 9.1
Ministry Strength 1 / 5
Feature Size Small
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