
Enhance Data View preview to include total count

Enhance Data View preview to include total count


The current Data View previews displays the top 15 rows. However, without saving the new/changed DV, one cannot tell how many total rows will result (unless that total is <15). It would be very convenient if the preview title bar (or somewhere else) contained the total matches for the DV - e.g., (top 15 out of 120) 

One practical example would be if you were editing an existing DV that is used for Group Sync.  During that Edit, you wanted to make sure that your proposed change has the correct effect before actually saving and affecting the synced group - which could have other adverse effects, down the line.

Preferred Solution 

(top 15 of XXX) in the DV preview modal title


Alternatives Include
  • Total elsewhere in the Preview modal - e.g., bottom row, near the dismiss button, etc. 
  • Dynamically/Automagically updated HTML element in the DV editor
  • Using a Count button (next to Preview button) on the Edit page with either a JS-updated HTML element or a count modal.
Photo of Steve LipinskiSubmitted by Steve Lipinski, First Church of God of Columbia City  ·   ·  Core
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