
Add support for all day calendar events

Add support for all day calendar events


We love managing our church calendars through Rock! Having our staff calendar and public calendar in one place simplifies our systems, and the iCalendar feed Rock supplies allows us to access those calendars however we like.

Sometimes, though, we need to put all day events on the calendar. These can be single day events like Communion Sunday, or multi-day events like our Thanksgiving outreach. We've approached this by adding the event and scheduling it to last until 11:59pm on the last day of the schedule, but that results in events like this in the iCalendar feed:

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 3.07.41 PM.png

It'd be great to have the option of enabling an 'All Day' flag on an event. Setting this flag could disable the start time and duration fields on the schedule entry UI. It could also change the iCalendarContent to include something like


so that calendar apps subscribing to the feed would show these events like this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 1.59.00 PM.png

I realize that schedules are a Core feature and this kind of change could introduce issues elsewhere... Perhaps this could somehow be restricted just to events on a calendar?

Photo of Stephan IchiriuSubmitted by Stephan Ichiriu, Faith Church (CA)  ·   ·  Event
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