Expiring ShortLinks

Expiring ShortLinks


The Short Link system in Rock is very powerful in that it lets you create shortened links on-the-fly via the CreateShortLink Lava filter, but there is an underlying problem in that Short Links never "expire".

For a "one off" Short Link you're minting to, say, text back to someone with a link to a workflow instance and it only needs to be usable for a week, or you're automatically texting people shortened "tokenized" links for logging in to a page... these stay in the Short Link list/table forever, providing absolutely no value and just taking up space (granted, very little space) and bloating a table forever.

This idea proposes adding a Time To Live value to a Short Link, so that some mechanism (perhaps the nightly Cleanup Job?) can tidy them up. Both the UI under Admin | CMS Config | Short Links as well as the CreateShortLink Lava filter would need to be updated to allow defining the TTL, and I also think the absence of a TTL value would mean the Short Link lives forever, which matches the current behavior.

While it could be argued that the space these take up is so insignificant in the overall size of the db that it doesn't matter, what DOES matter is that such ShortLinks clutter up the Admin | CMS COnfig | Short Links page to the point that you don't know how many "real" Short Links you actually have, and it's difficult to see them amidst all of the temporary links.

Photo of Jim MichaelSubmitted by Jim Michael, The Crossing  ·   ·  Core
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