
Add Graduation Year to Event Registration Person Fields

Add Graduation Year to Event Registration Person Fields


We often do signups for youth events that will be a few months out, camps, etc. For these events we want to ask for the Grade of the student that is going to attend. But because of the timing of when they sign up and when the camp happens people sometimes enter the wrong value.  i.e. they enter the Grade the child will be when they attend the event and not the Grade they are currently, which then fouls up the person record.

We would like to have the option to instead display a Graduation Year field. This way, barring any problems doing math, we get the correct value 100% of the time since it's clear what we are asking.

So this would not replace Grade, but be an additional option. And if somebody puts BOTH Grade and Graduation Year on the same form, well, that is there problem.

Photo of Daniel HazelbakerSubmitted by Daniel Hazelbaker, Shepherd Church  ·   ·  Event
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