
Highlight default group in group viewer based on group order

Highlight default group in group viewer based on group order


When opening the group viewer it highlights and opens the first group based upon alphabetical order. The first group in order on our main group viewer page was Archive, but because it wasn't important to see it first I set the order to drop it down to the bottom. Because it starts with "A" it still gets highlighted when the page gets opened.

It's been renamed to Ye Olde Archive for now, and I've renamed groups on other Group Viewer pages to have the first one defaulted to, but it would be nice to have it sort by order then name like the display order does.

Changing line 551 in GroupTreeView.ascx.cs to the following should do it

foreach ( var group in qry.OrderBy( g => g.Order ).ThenBy(g => g.Name) )

Photo of Bob BrownSubmitted by Bob Brown, Christ's Church in Jacksonville, FL  ·   ·  Group
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