
Launch Workflows from Connections In New Tab

Launch Workflows from Connections In New Tab

13.0 Connection Complete

When working connections with the board style and click a launch workflow button, if that workflow requires a form or goes to another page, it does so on the same page as the connection. When you are done doing that and need to go back to that particular connection opportunity, you have to go back and find that connection on the long list of connections. 

I believe an easy fix to this would be to open the workflow in a new tab. This could either be the default behavior or if possible, you could choose which one you would prefer. 

Photo of Tim LemonsSubmitted by Tim Lemons, Highlands Fellowship  ·   ·  Connection
Photo of Nick AirdoComplete Nick Airdo, Spark!  · 

This feature change can be tested on the pre-alpha server running anything higher than version

Planned Version 13.0
Ministry Strength 1 / 5
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