
Add HeadofHouseholdId to Group in database

Add HeadofHouseholdId to Group in database


Right now this is inefficient to do in SQL because it does a row-level lookup


SELECT TOP 1 p.[Id] 


        [Person] p

        INNER JOIN [GroupMember] gm ON gm.[PersonId] = p.[Id]

        INNER JOIN [GroupTypeRole] gtr ON gtr.[Id] = gm.[GroupRoleId]


        gtr.[Guid] = '2639F9A5-2AAE-4E48-A8C3-4FFE86681E42' -- adult

        AND gm.[GroupId] = @UnitId

       ORDER BY p.[Gender]


And queries that need a HeadofHousehold could go much faster with that Id written to a table. Doesn't have to the Group table, just any table that relates Groups and HeadofHousehold

Photo of Josh CrewsSubmitted by Josh Crews, Simple  ·   ·  Reporting
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