
Add URL parameter for Quarterly Contribution Statements

Add URL parameter for Quarterly Contribution Statements


On behalf of several churches...

Some churches like to send out quarterly electronic giving statements due to the volume of givers that ask for them when estimating their taxes. Today you can follow Jim Michael's great recipe on sending out electronic contribution statements but it's only tied to the year in the URL. Unfortunately whenever a giver clicks their View Statement button from the tokenized email it'll be a YTD total each time they view it instead of a total up to the end of that quarter that you thought you were sending them out for.

I saw this GH Commit to fix a few things in the new Contribution Statements area and thought that having another url parameter for quarter would focus the results down to YTD up to that quarter, no further, not a rolling time period from whenever they view it. For example, if they send out the 3rd quarter communication with a link to the online contribution statements with 2021Q3 in the url, it's a YTD total giving from Jan 1st to Sep 30th no matter when the statement is viewed. It'd be great because then you could format quarterly statement to show the total giving for each quarter and then a YTD total up to the end of the current or selected quarter.

Photo of Ben MurphySubmitted by Ben Murphy, Simple  ·   ·  Finance
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