
Schedule Recurring Payments for Event Registrations

Schedule Recurring Payments for Event Registrations


We have several registrations that recur annually (Student Summer Camp, for example) that can quickly become expensive for families (especially if they have multiple kids). Currently, the only way to help ease the cost burden for families is to allow the registration to have an initial partial payment, then send payment reminders either manually or on an automated schedule until the remainder of the balance is collected.

In addition to this option, we would also like the ability to schedule recurring payments directly inside the event registration.

Similar to how a person can schedule giving to automatically recur, if they had the option to do the same inside an Event Registration, then the entire registration could be completed at one time. This would reduce the need for continual administrative follow-up to ensure everyone's payments are up-to-date, and, at the same time, create a high level of confidence that payments required to meet the registration cost will be fulfilled.

Photo of Jason HarveySubmitted by Jason Harvey, Grace Church of Overland Park  ·   ·  Event
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