
Group Registration Enhancement

Group Registration Enhancement


We would like to propose adding three additional options to the Group Registration block. These options would allow block configuration for a person's birthday and gender to be part of the information gathered(optional). This block currently has 3 modes it can operate in. Simple, Full or Full with Spouse. There are no options to gather a birthdate or a person's gender in any of these modes. We use the group registration block for many different group types, and this is a very useful block, but the lack of ability to optionally gather this information is limiting. Another useful option would be to not ask(display) the address field in the Full or Full with Spouse configuration.

One reason why this is an issue for us is that we have many different groups where, at check-in they require an age or gender (girl talk, singles 30+, man zone, young adults...). Since the group registration doesn't gather this information, we sometimes have people who have signed up but can't check-in. Our solution to this has been an in-house modified group registration block that added those two fields (but this doesn't benefit others).

For us the benefit of adding these fields was not having to create a workflow form for different types of group registrations where a birthday or gender might be required, or an address not needed - a full registration instance is not needed. I find that at times a workflow is needed to create a group signup form due to not having those few block options, while this isn't bad and shows the flexibility of rock, I think lowering the bar for the orgs that want a few more options for group registrations would be a ministry benefit.

If I may take this a step further. If the ability to gather age and gender were added to the block. And the ability existed to tie that to age or gender to the group "restrictions" (check-in age, grade, gender - type settings). It would be possible to stop a group register if the person was not of the right age or gender. I am aware that unauthenticated people could change the value and register (a lock only keeps an honest man honest).

Photo of Jonathan AndersonSubmitted by Jonathan Anderson, The Ark Church  ·   ·  Group
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