
Attendance Reminders for Volunteer and Group Location Schedules

Attendance Reminders for Volunteer and Group Location Schedules


Managing volunteer check-in at scale across multiple campuses can be challenging. Volunteers often dislike using check-in kiosks, and smaller churches or campuses may lack the funds to purchase the necessary iPads for check-in. The goal of this proposal is to make recording attendance for volunteer groups and similar group types more accessible and affordable for churches.

Screenshot_2024-05-23_at_6.00.16 PM.png

The desired outcome of this proposal has two parts:

  1. Leaders of these group types should be sent a link to take attendance or review and edit check-in that is already in progress on a kiosk. 
  2. Leaders should receive the right message at the right time. For example, a leader who only serves at the 9 am service should not receive reminders for all other service times.

If the core team can develop a solution based on this information alone, the suggestions below may not be necessary. However, we recommend implementing the following changes:

  1. Add a Setting for Group Types to Specify Schedule Types for Attendance Reminders:
    • Currently, attendance reminders are only sent for the regular schedule set on the group (Group.Schedule). This limits sending attendance reminders to mostly small groups.
    • We propose allowing selection between Group Schedules and Group Location Schedules to expand the functionality. The proposed change is shown in the screenshot below. Group Schedule remains the default option, preventing a breaking change. Screenshot_2024-05-23_at_6.02.33 PM.jpg
  2. Allow Group Location Schedules to Create Attendance Occurrences: 
    • Attendance occurrences need to be created before sending attendance reminders. This change ensures that Group Location Schedules can create these occurrences, similar to Group Schedules. This would also be a non-breaking change.
  3. Optionally Send Attendance Reminders Only to Group Leaders with Matching Schedule Assignments:
    • This allows multiple leaders in a group to receive the reminder text but ensures they only receive one if the schedule matches their assignment schedule. The proposed changes are illustrated in the screenshot below. Screenshot_2024-05-23_at_6.37.45 PM.png

By enabling attendance reminders for both Group Schedules and Group Location Schedules, and optionally ensuring reminders are sent to leaders based on their specific schedule assignments, this proposal aims to make attendance recording more accessible and accurate. These changes will help streamline the check-in process and ensure leaders receive the right information at the right time, enhancing the overall efficiency of managing volunteer groups.

Photo of Zack DutraSubmitted by Zack Dutra, Bayside Covenant Church  ·   ·  Check-in
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