
Content Channel internal block updates

Content Channel internal block updates


We have really started to use Content Channels for multiple different purposes from Newsletter content to External Leader content access. We are finding some limitations with the administration of content and would like to make a few requests to make the content items work similarly to other areas of Rock.(I know you don't like to focus on administrative enhancements!) Are there currently any plans to rebuild the content channel blocks? If there are plans, then please consider these enhancements.

  1. The ability to have better filters for the content items. I requested this over a year ago and there is not much traction on that request and wondered how others deal with this in lists of hundreds of items.
    The only current filter is date range and title. When you have other attributes (including campus) for the content, it would be helpful to add those attribute items to the filtering options like in event registrants and group members.
    1. Even the date range filter could offer better options instead of specific dates -- (current year, last year, next # months, etc). This date range filter is better than having to put in specific dates and to keep manually changing those.
    2. It would be nice to be able to mark a content item as inactive as well (not just expired) so that you could filter on active vs inactive items in your list. Or have a filter item to exclude expired items.
  2. Ability to copy a content item to make specific edits. This is beneficial when we are needing to tweak the information for one campus per se or when we need a specific date range and only have to change one piece of the content item from others that are built out. Getting the Event Instance copy was a huge benefit to us and this would be similar to that.

Photo of Karen NorrisSubmitted by Karen Norris, Christ Chapel Bible Church  ·   ·  Core
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