Would love the ability to send a future/scheduled communication to a group (such as an event/small group) where the recipient list is not "locked-in" at that moment. This would work in the same way that Communication Lists work, but without the need to create a communication list for a single group.
Kingdom First Solutions created a plugin that kind of solves this problem, but it's limited in its application because you cannot benefit from utilizing Email/SMS wizard like you can from standard communications. I'd love to see this work in a way like:
There could be an argument to add this as an "option" during the communication steps where you could be prompted with "Would you like to include new recipients up until the scheduled time?" if the message was set for scheduling. That way someone could schedule a message to the current people without taking new recipients OR take new recipients just as a communication list does.
If you feel like you'd benefit from this update, please vote and we can get this feature added!
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