Churches that use Rock sometimes use schedules for lots of different things. Specifically for us, we use them for service times, metrics, dataviews, persisted datasets, and more.
We currently organize schedules in categories based on what makes them easiest to find, but we'd love to have the ability to add a schedules from various categories to a secondary category to be able to set a specific order.
It's currently possible to manually order schedules within a given category, but only if all of the schedules that need to be ordered are in the same category.
This typically comes up for us for special weekends that combine regular service times with atypical ones (Easter, Christmas, etc), as well as schedules that we use for automating recurring web elements on our website.
We realize this is a pretty specific ask, but we've seen other entities in Rock that have the ability to be added to multiple categories, so I wondered if this was something that would be fairly simple to update.
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