
Max File Size property on File Types

Max File Size property on File Types

14.0 Core Complete

We would love to have a property added to the File Type entity that allows a "Max Size" to be defined, similar to the existing Max Height/Width settings.

The issue we're running into is that the Cloudinary (a Rock storage provider plugin) free plan only allows 10MB max images, and exceeding that causes the file uploader UI to blow up with a nasty exception... there's no way to prevent a person from uploading such a large file and getting a graceful error back.

That said, rather than ask for a one-off solution from the Cloudinary plugin developer specifically, I think it would be much better/useful to have the File Type allow defining the Max File Size for that file type, which would let ALL file types benefit from having separate, admin-defined maximums vs, the single, global default "max upload size" Rock allows today.

If such a property were added to the File Type, the UI should then gracefully show an error message to the user indicating the max size allowed.

Photo of Jim MichaelSubmitted by Jim Michael, The Crossing  ·   ·  Core
Photo of Nick AirdoComplete Nick Airdo, Spark!  · 

This is essentially done for v14, but you won't see it on the pre-alpha site until we make the model change in a few weeks.

Planned Version 14.0
Ministry Strength 1 / 5
Feature Size Small
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