Based on the original Workflow User Entry Page Finder recipe by David Benson.

On the Workflow Type Configuration page, easily see where a particular Workflow is used.

Lists if a Workflow Type is used in the following:

  • Page Blocks with a User Entry form statically configured for the Workflow Type
  • workflowactivate Lava in HTML Content Blocks and Block Pre/Post (static/fixed workflowtypeid parameter only)
  • General Workflow Triggers
  • Connection Type/Opportunity Triggers
  • Step Type/Program Triggers
  • (more - to be added...)




  1. Go to the General Settings > Workflow Configuration (/admin/general/workflows)
  2. Hover and click on Page Zones (or Alt+Z).  Click the Main Zone, add a new HTML Content block. (name = Where Used)
  3. Hover and click on Block Configuration (or Alt+B). Click on Block Properties for the new Where Used Block.  Enable Rock Entity and SQL Lava Commands.
  4. Click on Edit HTML for the new Where Used Block.  Copy paste the Lava from below.

<!-- Workflow Type - Where Used block -->
{% assign workflowTypeId = 'Global' | PageParameter:'workflowTypeId' | Default:null %}
{% assign thisPageId = 'Global' | Page:'Id' %}
{% assign hrefRoot = 'Global' | Attribute:'InternalApplicationRoot' %}
{% if workflowTypeId != empty and workflowTypeId != null %}
    <!-- get the guid of the workflowtype -->
    {% workflowtype id:'{{ workflowTypeId }}' securityenabled:'false' %}
        {% assign workflowTypeGuid = workflowtype.Guid %}
    {% endworkflowtype %}
    <!-- display if used by any (entity) triggers -->
    {% workflowtrigger where:'WorkflowTypeId == "{{ workflowTypeId }}' securityenabled:'false' count:'true' %}
        {% if count > 0 %}
            <div class='alert alert-default'>
                This Workflow is currently being used by a <a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/admin/general/workflow-triggers'>Workflow Trigger</a><br/>
        {% endif %}
    {% endworkflowtrigger %}
    <!-- find all the blocks that have a user entry block with a workflow selected (this may need additional paramters if you have similar custom blocks) -->
    {% attribute where:'Name *= "Workflow Type" && EntityTypeQualifierValue == 264' securityenabled:'false' %}
       {% attributevalue where:'AttributeId == {{ attribute.Id }} && Value *= "{{ workflowTypeGuid }}"' securityenabled:'false' %}
            {% assign itemValues = attributevalueItems %}
            {% assign itemSize = attributevalueItems | Size %}
       {% endattributevalue %}
    {% endattribute %}
    <!-- display user-entry blocks -->
    {% if itemSize > 0 %}
        <div class='alert alert-default'>
            This Workflow is currently being used via user entry on the following pages:<br/>
                {% for attributeValue in itemValues %}
                    {% block where:'Id == {{ attributeValue.EntityId }}' securityenabled:'false' %}
                        <li><a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/page/{{ block.Page.Id }}' target='_blank'>{{ block.Page.BrowserTitle }}</a></li>
                    {% endblock %}
                {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    <!-- find all blocks that have a workflowactivate lava in Pre/Post or HTML Content block -->
    {% assign blockIDs = '[]' | FromJSON %}
    {% sql %}
    DECLARE @wfId nvarchar(50);
    SET @wfId = '{{ workflowTypeId }}';
        TOP 10 *
            PreHtml LIKE '%workflowactivate %' AND
            PreHtml LIKE '% workflowtypeid:'''+@wfId+'''%'
        ) OR
            PostHtml LIKE '%workflowactivate %' AND
            PostHtml LIKE '% workflowtypeid:'''+@wfId+'''%'
    {% endsql %}
    {% for block in results %}
        {% assign blockIDs = blockIDs | AddToArray:block.Id %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% sql %}
    DECLARE @wfId nvarchar(50);
    SET @wfId = '{{ workflowTypeId }}';
        TOP 10 *
            Content LIKE '%workflowactivate %' AND
            Content LIKE '% workflowtypeid:'''+@wfId+'''%'
    {% endsql %}
    {% for content in results %}
        {% assign blockIDs = blockIDs | AddToArray:content.BlockId %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if blockIDs != empty and blockIDs != null %}
    {% block ids:'{{ blockIDs | Join:',' }}'  %}
        <div class='alert alert-default'>
            This Workflow is refernced by workflowactivate Lava in following pages:<br/>
                {% for item in blockItems %}
                    <li><a href='/page/{{ item.Page.Id }}'>{{ item.Page.BrowserTitle }}</a> ({{ item.Name }} block)</li>
                {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% endif %}

    <!-- find all connection types/opportunities that have this workflow type -->
    {% connectionworkflow where:'WorkflowTypeId == "{{ workflowTypeId }}"' securityenabled:'false' %}
        {% assign itemSize = connectionworkflowItems | Size %}
        {% if itemSize > 0 %}
        <div class='alert alert-default'>
            This Workflow is currently being used by the following Connections:<br/>
                {% for connectionworkflowValue in connectionworkflowItems %}
                        {% if connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionOpportunity.Id != empty and connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionOpportunity.Id != null %}
                            <a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/people/connections/types/{{ connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionTypeId }}/opportunity/{{ connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionOpportunity.Id }}' target='_blank'>{{ connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionOpportunity.Name }}</a> (Connection Opportunity)
                        {% else %}
                            <a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/people/connections/types/{{ connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionType.Id }}' target='_blank'>{{ connectionworkflowValue.ConnectionType.Name }}</a> (Connection Type)
                        {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endconnectionworkflow %}
    <!-- find all step programs/types that have this workflow type -->
    {% stepworkflowtrigger where:'WorkflowTypeId == "{{ workflowTypeId }}"' securityenabled:'false' %}
        {% assign itemSize = stepworkflowtriggerItems | Size %}
        {% if itemSize > 0 %}
        <div class='alert alert-default'>
            This Workflow is currently being used by the following Steps:<br/>
                {% for stepworkflowValue in stepworkflowtriggerItems %}
                        {% if stepworkflowValue.StepType != empty and stepworkflowValue.StepType != null %}
                            <a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/steps/type/{{ stepworkflowValue.StepType.Id }}' target='_blank'>{{ stepworkflowValue.StepType.Name }}</a> (Step Type)
                        {% else %}
                            <a href='{{ hrefRoot }}/people/steps/program/{{ stepworkflowValue.StepProgram.Id }}' target='_blank'>{{ stepworkflowValue.StepProgram.Name }}</a> (Step Program)
                        {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endstepworkflowtrigger %}
{% endif %}

Above Lava can be used in Lava Tester - just change the null to a WorkflowType Id

See anything you'd like added? - comment, and I'll try to implement it.