
Photo of Dillan Cagnetta


List of Persons by Connection Status


How does one access the connection status of a person

Id like to make a report that lists all the people with their connection status


Thanks so much

  • Photo of David Leigh



    Can you explain the context of this question? Are you trying to access the status through the UI, in Lava, or in Code?

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      Hi David, im not sure how Person is connected to their status.

      Id like to generate a report probably using Dynamic Data or Dynamic Report blocks.
      so that would be UI and sql i guess


    • David Leigh

      If SQL is what you are looking for, try this:

      SELECT p.Id, p.NickName, p.LastName, dv.[Value] AS 'Connection Status'
      FROM [Person] p
      INNER JOIN [DefinedValue] dv ON dv.Id = p.ConnectionStatusValueId