
Photo of Phillip Duncan


API Documents or Helping Hand

I work for an email provider and one of our clients is using Rock. They want us to connect it to our email system. I see mention on an API and API calls, but don't see any documents. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  • Photo of Taylor Cavaletto


    Hello Philip,

    While there's not an official API guide yet, there's an excellent video here that goes through some examples, as well as Rock's API controllers here that list all of their API calls. Hope that helps!

  • Photo of Scott Conger


    Hi Philip,

    If they are looking to simply use your mail server for absolutely everything, they can simply enter your smtp settings in the global attributes in Rock.  However, if you truly looking to make a Rock mail plug-in you could mimic it after the two on github: Mailgun and Mandrill

    Also, if you went that route, you could go one step future and make it available on the Rock Store for everyone: Rock Store Packaging

    To understand how to compile and distribute your projects, Taylor's links are the best place to start.