
Photo of Michael Roth


External site Question

Hey everyone,

I have a couple of questions and cant find a good answer for number 1 and number 2 I cant find anything at all.  Can anyone help?

1. I am having trouble getting to the admin back end (AKA page 360) that allows you do work with the admin tabs on the left.  Any idea on how to navigate to this without manually putting the address in the address bar?  or a way to add a link to this page when you are logged in with an admin account?  having some difficulties showing a menu based on a role.

2. I would like for the congregation to search for other members once they are logged in.  I was able to create a page but struggling with which block to use and add permissions to the page.  Someone has had to of done this before that i can mirror.

BTW - This software is AWESOME and you all do great work!  Impressive and cant wait.



  • Photo of Jim Michael


    1. I'm really having trouble tracking with you on this one. Can you describe in more detail what you're trying to do, and what "the admin tabs on the left" are? Based on the title saying "External Site" I'm assuming you're not referring to internal rock, but I'm then no understanding what admin tabs (on the external site) you're referring to. Also, page 360 for me is the "My settings" page which is used on the internal Rock portal... thus more confusion.

    2. I think what you really want is the new Directory block that's coming in version 6 (should be pretty soon!). It lets you expose a searchable directory that is highly configurable in what it shows via simple block settings.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Thanks Jim for the quick response and here is my response.

    1. When I go to my external site to login I can only see the external site and am not able to get to the settings of the site like "My settings" for example.  I have to put the address in the bar to get to that page and then get get around to add users and look at contributions.  Does that make sense?  I want to make it easy for the site admins to get to the settings of ROCK.

    2. That is Awesome!  Let me know if you need any testers as I am all in!

    In Him,

    Michael Roth

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Still not tracking, sorry ;-) When you say "External site" you're referring to yourrockserver/page/1, correct? That's the "demo" public ("external") web site that is built into Rock. Are you saying that you're trying to get to My Settings from THERE (you can't) or that you're having trouble getting into the INTERNAL Rock portal? If that's the case it sounds like you might have your public web site and Rock (internal) web site both using the same URL, which you shouldn't be doing... you should have something like pointing at the internal Rock and pointing at the External (public web site) Rock. Does that make sense? You configure your sites under Admin | CMS | Sites.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Hey Jim,

    so yes and no. I created a temp space cause I don't have a windows host at the moment while I test.

    i have no base site as this only has Rock. When I am at I can't get to the Rock internal people, finance, tools, and admin. 

    I would like to display a link to the internal when someone with the admin role logs in.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Ok. The problem is that you're using the same URL for your external and internal Rock site. Do you not have the ability to add different hostnames to your web server? The Rock URL should be distinct from the public site URL. That said, you could always add a link to the Rock homepage on the public site's menu, but that's not hos the system is intended to work.