
Photo of Kevin Rutledge


NMI/MyWEll API Question

I am not sure who implements the API for NMI/MyWell for Rock.  But I could really use a new field on the transaction detail screen called Settlement Date, and then, if possible when you use the download transactions page for the download to take all website transactions without a settlment date, querry NMI APi with the transaction code, and grabe the settlement date automatically. 

This would make the settlement date a filterable field and make it significantly easier to match up a deposit with the transactions and account breakdown of that deposit.  It would make the book keeper report a filter and print affair.


  • Photo of Jon Horton


    Hey Kevin!

    Did you ever get this resolved? When I led the Web dev team at NewSpring Church, we worked with Spark to add additional info like settlement status. I don't believe it was accessible from the filter list, but we were able to write custom SQL for a dynamic data block to allow us to quickly reconcile transactions to ones that had cleared in NMI compared to ones in Rock. The team would be happy to share that with you if it's helpful.

    I recently joined the My Well team, so if you have any questions that I can help you with, please feel free to email me at!

  • Photo of Brandon Fuchs


    Have you reached out to MyWell Directly? I am not sure if they themselves built out the integration as a supporter or not but this is something they would definitely support you in seeing through