
Photo of Jared Piro


How do saved financial accounts work?

Hello all,

So Im trying to understand the way saved accounts work and im having some difficulty.

Such as what gets called when you save an account and what gets called when you try to make a transaction with a saved account?

The most I can get is that if you are using a saved account the Charge method of the gateway will be called with the paymentinfo arg being a ReferencePaymentInfo type. Is that correct?

But i cant really understand what the ReferenceNumber and the TransactionCode are for in a  FinancialPersonSavedAccount. Is one supposed to reference the last transaction made with the account?

Any insight would be very appreciated.


  • Photo of David Stevens


    ReferencePaymentInfo is an implementation of the PaymentInfo type.  It's used to distinguish between CreditCardPaymentInfo and ACHPaymentInfo on the Transaction page.

    Reference Number is the token returned by the gateway to use/charge for future payments.  Transaction Code references the transaction that the token was first created from.  I don't believe the Transaction Code changes on future payments.