
Photo of Jon Morrissette


Prayer Request Table Inserts

If I insert a firstname, lastname, prayer text, categoryID, createdbyID, row into a Prayer Request table is everything else automated?

I'm wanting to insert prayer requests through a digital connection card (workflow form) instead of making data entry folks go into the prayer request engine. I don't see any kind of personID field that correlates a prayer request directly to a person record?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm not sure if the new SanitizeSQL Lava filters help mitigate this, but it used to be considered super dangerous to do such a thing, because you'd be directly exposing a form to a SQL Run action in the Workflow and potentially opening a SQL injection attack. I'm pretty sure code for doing so is posted in this Q&A somewhere, though (but I can't look right now as search is broken). 

    What you really need is a Prayer Request action, but that doesn't exist today. Are you sure you need to create a Prayer Request from a workflow? The prayer request front end can _launch_ a workflow to get work done, so maybe that could do what you need? 

  • Photo of Jon Morrissette


    The data entry team goes through connection cards once with attendance module, once with prayer module, then with the workflow forms to trigger involvement, class, group, decision items.  I'm wanting to create a single workflow form to do all. I've searched for info on this but no luck.