
Photo of Paul Tedder


Modifying default XML settings in the Rock Check-in App for iPad

Just recently, I have been able, using some simple .bat and .config files create an automated system for our church where we can quickly launch the Windows Check-in App with a specific config.  This has helped us tremedously where we can do the configuration ahead of time and then all a volunteer needs to do is click the appropriate desktop shortcut which will launch Check-in with all the correct configuration settings.

I have now been exploring doing the same thing with the iPad app and was pleased to discover that with the right MDM software, it looks like I can do a similar thing and pass along settings through the MDM directly into the Check-in app.  I've copied below their comments about the process.

According to their statement, they say that I can do with the iPad app what I am able to do in the Windows app.  Yea!  However, in the Windows app, it was easy for me to drill down to the user.config file buried in the user profile and find the available XML "settings" fields I could change.  This is not easy on an iPad.  My guess is that the key for iPad have different syntax than the Settings for Windows.  

Here is my question.  Would you make available to me (or whomever) what the specific keys are in the iPad app and what they apply to?  If not all of them, the ones I currently use on the Windows side is <setting name="CheckinAddress" serializeAs="String"> and <setting name="PrinterOverrideLocal" serializeAs="String">  With that information, I would be able to automate our iPad checkin kiosks like I have done with our Windows Kiosks.

Thank you!

Mosyle MDM

In iOS 7 and later, an MDM server can use configuration to communicate with and configure third-party managed apps. The configuration dictionary provides one-way communication from the MDM server to an app. Check below on example of configuration:

To know the correct app configuration the app developer must send to you the keys and values.





  • Photo of Sam Crisp


    I know the iPad app's Settings.Bundle contains this root.plist file that allows the app to build out its application settings:

    However, I've been unable to get the key/value system working to push the values from an MDM (tested with Meraki). It doesn't appear like the app supports accepting outside managed settings.