
Photo of Bronson Witting


Showing Check Numbers on Financial Transactions (and Decrypting MICR info)

Our finance team really wants to be able to see/search for the check number on a transaction in Rock (they say that they get calls almost weekly where people have questions about their giving, and tell the team what check number to look for. I'm working on a block for this, but I'm not sure how to decrypt and read the MICR info from the database (I'm assuming that's the only place I can get the check number).  Has anyone done this and care to share some insight?  Thanks! 

  • Photo of Mike Peterson


    v4.0 will automatically populate FinancialTransaction.TransactionCode to be the CheckNumber, it just missed v3.1 by a couple of days :(

    In the meantime, here is a C# example of how to decrypt the MicrInfo from the database

    // CheckMicrDecrypts as {routingnumber}_{accountnumber}_{checknumber}
    string checkMicrDecrypted = Rock.Security.Encryption.DecryptString( financialTransaction.CheckMicrEncrypted ) ?? string.Empty;
    var parts = checkMicrDecrypted.Split( '_' );
    if ( parts.Length == 3 )
        string routingNumber = parts[0];
        string accountNumber = parts[1];
        string checkNumber = parts[2];