
Photo of Nathan La Barbera


Rockit Error on Opening within Visual Studio



I am having some issues opening Rockit. I have followed all of the steps that were indicated in the documentation. 

  • Download the zipped folder

  • Unzip the folder

  • Open in Visual Studio


Then I receive an error sign after I have opened the project in Visual Studio. The error is as follows:


http://localhost:50345 : error  : Error opening web http://localhost:50345. The Web site 'http://localhost:50345' could not be found.


\\psf\Home\Downloads\digitalrock\com.digitalrock.SampleProject\com.digitalrock.SampleProject.csproj : error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path '\\psf\Home\Downloads\digitalrock\com.digitalrock.SampleProject\com.digitalrock.SampleProject.csproj'.  \\psf\Home\Downloads\digitalrock\com.digitalrock.SampleProject\com.digitalrock.SampleProject.csproj


I have been trying to update and restore the Nuget Packages like it mentioned but this won’t help either. 


Anyone else struggling with the Rockit project?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    Try unzipping the Rockit onto a local folder (not a network share), open the solution file and then press F5**. If that doesn't do the trick, try the steps outlined in this KB326497 article.

    ** You'll still need to "restore packages" in the package manager and also adjust your web.ConnectionStrings.config file.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    Another tip is to make sure you have Visual Studio Web Edition instead of the standard version.

  • Photo of Scott Henry


    Hi Nathan,

    I just started playing with the Rockit project also.  Are you getting the error when you go to open the Rockit in Visual Studio or when you try and run the code in internet explorer?  I initially had issues running the code as I was not sure if I had the Microsoft SQL Server installed.  As it turns out I did and after I set the web.ConnectionStrings.config  to <add name="RockContext" connectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=rock; MultipleActiveResultSets=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

    it worked fine.  I also initially made the mistake of referencing the quickstart tutorial that was included in the zipped rockit file and not the online quickstart tutorial which has been updated.  Anyhow that got me through the Hello World part of the Tutorial but am now getting errors while trying to complete the fetching data part of the quickstart tutorials. 


  • Photo of David Stevens


    Nathan, it looks like you're running the code files from a network share path (or from a share inside your VM).  Is that correct?  You might have some difficulty with that set up, as VS is particular about the code path.

    I'd start by checking the ApplicationHost.config settings in your Documents\IISExpress folder.  The paths there have to match the code exactly.  Here's an example of mine:

    There should only be one "RockWeb" project in your install and it should be set to localhost:50345 (mine uses the machine name for cross-platform debugging).


    Screenshot 2015-06-01 10.13.06.png