Photo of Aaron Jones


Video Block

I am working on creating some custom blocks but I am still learning Rock. Is there currently a block for adding a link to a video to embed to the site (without using the HTML editor). If not, any guidance on where to get started on creating a block to supply just the embed url (for if they want to embed a youtube video). Thanks in advance for the help and God bless.

  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    Hey Aaron,
    I've not seen a video embed block like you've described.
    Question about how you’re planning on using the block.  Will the user input just the ULR or will they input the entire “embed code” provided by YouTube or Vimeo?
    I ask because if they’re providing the full embed code (script tags or iframes) you could use the HTML Content block and not enable the WYSIWYG by setting the “Use Code Editor” setting to Yes.  Then, they are just copy/pasting the code for the embed, no custom block needed.
    Just a thought.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    You can do this using the content types in the Rock backend. I actually had a video gallery started on a dev site before I messed it up. When I get it working again I will try to post a tutorial.

  • Photo of Aaron Jones


    Thank you guys so much for your help. That definetly helped me get my brain on the right track.