
Photo of Josh Sommer


Extend RockRMS API

Hello, I'm new to developing with RockRMS and currently I'm working with a client that has a need for us to extend the API in a manner where they can call a post response such as


and it would return  a JSON response that brevity sake would simply say's "true". it doesn't need to have any work with the database and the rest of the code for the logic is all but taken care of I would simply like the best possible way to add it to my "SampleProject" 

any help or a pointer to somewhere in the wiki would be greatly appreciated.


  • Photo of Josh Sommer


    Correct, it's very simple service that is aggregating data from external services to populate a calendar view. It doesn't need to interact with the current sites database. I had checked out the resources you listed previously though and with the ReferralAgency example in the Rock SDK it's applicable to this calendar Services since that example is using Entity framework etc.

    I just need this REST service to be very simple the rest of it is actually taken care it's mainly just getting the methods to show up with RockRMS. 

    I hope that makes sense, I was hoping to find a very simple example or some documentation on a very basic service.


  • Photo of David Leigh


    Hi Josh,

    It sounds like you are looking to develop a plug-in to add a new REST service?
    There is some good documentation on getting started with plug-in development here:

    If you download the RockIt SDK mentioned in the documentation, you will see a sample of how to add a new REST service to Rock.

    You might also find it useful to check out the dev wiki on GitHub:
    This also has a lot of useful information about a range of development topics.

    Hope this helps to get you started!