
Photo of Dillan Cagnetta


Error Content Channel Item since Upgrade

Hi Since the update to version 4, my content item which worked before has broke.

Any advice is appreciated

ERROR: There was a problem getting content...
Show Details Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: ". Path '', line 5, position 2

<div class="row announcement-list">
  {% for item in Items %}
  <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">
    <div class="thumbnails thumbnail-style  thumbnail-kenburn">

      {% assign directUrl = item | Attribute:'DirectURL' %}
      {% if directUrl != empty -%}

      <a class="fancybox" data-rel="fancybox-button" title="{{ item.Title }}" href="{{ item | Attribute:'DirectURL' }}">
        <div class="overflow-hidden">
          <a class="img-responsive" title="item.Title" href="{{ item | Attribute:'DirectURL' }}">
              {{ item.Image }}
          <a class="btn-more hover-effect" href="#">read more +</a>
       {% else %}
          <a class="fancybox" data-rel="fancybox-button" title="{{ item.Title }}" href="{{ LinkedPages.DetailPage }}?Item={{ item.Id }}">
            <div class="overflow-hidden">
              <a class="img-responsive" title="item.Title" href="{{ LinkedPages.DetailPage }}?Item={{ item.Id }}">
                  {{ item.Image }}
            <a class="btn-more hover-effect" href="#">read more +</a>

      {% endif %}
    {% capture breakNow %}{{ forloop.index | Modulo:3 }}{% endcapture %}
    {% if breakNow == 0 -%}

<div class="row announcement-list">
  {% endif -%}
  {% endfor -%}




  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    Dillan, are you seeing this error with the ContentChannelView block? If so, make sure you've got the "Enable Query/Route Parameter Filtering" checkbox checked on that block. Other than that, check the following:

    • Ensure the Channel setting (the block's first setting) still set to the correct channel.
    • When you enable the debug setting in the block are you seeing the data you expect to see?
  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    What versione are you running now? I have 4.3 and have not had this error yet. You might clear the Rock Cache and Restart Rock.