0 Sender Email address 2 S R posted 8 Years Ago Hello, I am trying to send an email through Rock and it ignores my "from address" email and just defaults to the organization email. My email is in the safe sender list. Any ideas how to change this? Thanks
Jon Horton 7 years ago I'm curious if it's possible to allow the custom from address to always work regardless of the safe senders list?
Jim Michael 7 years ago Jon, no... this is not possible. If Rock allowed you to send "as" someone @gmail.com, for example, ROCK would be sending email from an IP address that GOOGLE doesn't own, and pretty much every email service out there would drop your mail, anyway. That's why Rock (has to) send the email "from" your org email, but makes the REPLY TO address that of the sender. The only exception to this is the Safe Senders domain list, which tells rock to NOT change the from address to your org email but leave the original sender... which is intended to let anyaddress@yourdomain.com send fine. Adding domains you don't "own" to the safe-senders list is also a Really Bad Idea. That would in fact stop Rock from changing your from addresses (for those domains you've added) but your email will all be dropped as spam and your mail IP will likely get blacklisted quickly.